Using innovative technology to drive quality improvement efforts

Engaging in quality improvement efforts is a critical part of providing the best possible care to patients. Ensuring care teams have the tools they need for clinical decision-making makes it easier to turn discrete data into relevant information. By utilizing innovative technology and solutions, healthcare providers can streamline processes, reduce errors, and ultimately improve patient outcomes.

Our latest MEDITECH customer success stories show how healthcare organizations are taking advantage of clinical decision support interventions and best practice workflows to achieve positive results. 

  1. Valley Health System Reduces Infusion Times by 37% in Pediatric Gastroenterology With Scheduling and Managing Infusions in Expanse

Recognizing their position as one of the only providers of pediatric infusions in northern New Jersey, Valley Health System’s process improvement team understands the importance of comprehensive and streamlined care for pediatric patients and their families. Since adopting Expanse Oncology’s infusion and scheduling functionality and making additional workflow improvements, their clinic has streamlined the ordering process for both providers and pharmacists. In less than a year, the process improvement team at Valley Health System was able to achieve its objectives of reducing chair time, improving the patient experience, and increasing staff efficiency.

“We saw it as a quality improvement project and MEDITECH was an important part of the solution to the problem. Overall, Expanse has performed incredibly well and our patients have benefited greatly from this process change.”

Antonio Quiros, MD
Pediatric Gastroenterologist, Chair of Children’s Services
Valley Health System

  1. Appalachian Regional Healthcare Reduces Time to DKA Resolution by 25% With Nurse-Driven Protocol in MEDITECH Expanse

Patients experiencing diabetic ketoacidosis, a life-threatening complication of diabetes, require complex, labor-intensive care. To improve the quality of care for these patients, a multidisciplinary team at Appalachian Regional Healthcare researched best practices to develop a new DKA protocol and built the workflow into MEDITECH Expanse. With this workflow in place, ARH has not only improved outcomes for its patients, but reduced the care team’s burden of treating a complex, life-threatening condition. 

“Our DKA protocol truly leverages the Expanse EHR’s abilities to guide evidence-based, multidisciplinary care guidelines for our patients. It takes into account evidence-based care, cost, and staffing concerns, and it continues to be refined.”

Bradley Moore, DO
Lead IT Physician and Family Practitioner
Appalachian Regional Healthcare

  1. Southern Ohio Medical Center Reduces Unnecessary Urine Culture Orders by 29% With MEDITECH’s Clinical Decision Support

When The Joint Commission updated its 2023 Antibiotic Stewardship elements of performance, 

Southern Ohio Medical Center saw an opportunity to reduce antibiotic use and save resources with the help of MEDITECH Expanse. SOMC worked with MEDITECH to create urine culture ordering screens and rule logic in Expanse that ensure patients meet the appropriate clinical criteria before clinicians place the order. By leveraging Expanse, the organization has been able to reduce unnecessary urine culture lab orders.

“The knowledge transfer that occurred during that project was key to our success on this one. We had an idea, but the team at MEDITECH helped us take that idea and make it workable in a system that has had a significant impact.”

David Byers, MD
Senior Medical Infectious Disease Director 
Southern Ohio Medical Center

Take the next step in enhancing quality improvement efforts by exploring the impactful work being done by healthcare organizations leveraging MEDITECH Expanse

Download or view our booklet of case study summaries and success stories to find out how customers are improving outcomes.