5 blogs on why the sky’s the limit with cloud technology

One of the most important topics in health IT today, cloud technology is being used to securely provide greater access to patient data, facilitate interoperability, and enhance scalability. 

I recently discussed MEDITECH’s journey to the cloud as part of Empower Caregivers, one of Google Cloud’s new Healthcare and Life Sciences Webinar Series, and described how we’re delivering real benefits for providers and patients. Check out the video and executive summary to learn more.

As I explain in the presentation, MEDITECH has incorporated cloud computing into our own operations, giving us the chance to see the benefits for ourselves and further inspiring us to share the value with our customers through opportunities like the Google webinar series and our digital platforms.

Interested in learning more about how cloud technology is changing healthcare? Below are 5 blogs (including a couple of two-parters) that provide further insights on cloud computing, its role in healthcare, and MEDITECH’s commitment to delivering the next generation of healthcare solutions through cloud technologies. 

1. Using the cloud to ‘untether’ medicine from wired tech

By Howard Messing, CEO, MEDITECH 

This commentary on cloud technology by MEDITECH’s CEO, Howard Messing, was our most popular blog post of 2019. Today, in clinical settings all over the world, healthcare professionals benefit from a sense of untethering from wired technology, thanks to the evolution of the cloud. In this blog, Howard describes how cloud computing welcomes a new era of mobility and opens up possibilities for how healthcare is delivered

With the introduction of MaaS—our cloud-based subscription infrastructure—and our partnership with Google Cloud, Howard describes how MEDITECH’s efforts show our commitment to further expanding the productivity and agility of our customers.

2. Helping organizations focus on care, not IT: Discussing MEDITECH’s cloud journey

By Sunnie Southern, Vice President of Health and Life Sciences, Onix

In part one of this blog, Sunnie and I discuss how embracing the cloud has improved MEDITCH’s products and services to make modern technology available to all of our customers. 

In part two, I explain MEDITECH’s decision to use the cloud for our application development environment, as well as the company’s approach to seeing how its customers can best benefit from implementing cloud solutions.

3. Why MEDITECH's transition to Google Cloud is the 'beginning of a bigger movement'

By Jackie Drees, Becker's Health IT & CIO Report

This blog features an interview with Howard Messing, CEO of MEDITECH, who spoke with Becker's Health IT and CIO Report about how MEDITECH’s partnership with Google Cloud will help advance interoperability and support broader digital health analytics.

4. Thought Leader Podcast: Cloud computing in healthcare 

By Scott Godbout, Senior Marketing Solutions Manager, MEDITECH

This post from our Thought Leader Podcast features Scott Godbout, Senior Marketing Solutions Manager, MEDITECH interviewing Jim Fitzgerald, executive vice president and chief strategy officer at CloudWave, about the role of cloud computing in healthcare. On the podcast, Jim provides an educational overview of this technology, offers some advice on resource management and multi-cloud strategies, and shares his thoughts on where he sees the future of the cloud going. 

5. Setting a course for the 'next frontier' of cloud-based patient access

By Howard Messing, CEO, MEDITECH

In part one of this blog, Howard described the capabilities of cloud infrastructure, the potential it holds for health IT developers, health providers, and patients, and the ability it gives doctors to “re-tether” to their patients using this evolving technology. In part two, Howard discusses how cloud infrastructure is being used to give patients access to their health information, taking a close look at how health IT is evolving to support openness of health data, and ensure security for that information. 

Healthcare is breaking from the confines of a traditional data center approach. MEDITECH Expanse is one of the first EHRs available through the Google Cloud Platform (GCP), delivering a new level of digital transformation in the public cloud setting.

Hear more about MEDITECH's leap into the cloud from Advanced Technology Vice President Scott Radner.