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Darin K. Brannan, MD, MPH, FAAP, Chief of Clinical Innovation, Bethany Children’s Health Center

Dr. Brannan is a Board-Certified Pediatrician who completed his medical training at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. He received his MPH at the University of Oklahoma College of Public Health while completing his Pediatric Residency at the Children’s Hospital of Oklahoma and is Board-Certified in Clinical Informatics. While in private practice, he began working part time at Bethany Children’s Health Center in 1998 and eventually closed his practice to work full time at Bethany Children’s. Since then, he has fulfilled the roles of medical director, director of clinical informatics, senior director of clinical informatics, and continues to care for children with complex medical conditions in the outpatient clinic. Areas of special interest include bone health, nutrition, informatics, remote patient monitoring, virtual medicine, and using technology to make humans work smarter.
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