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Vanessa Carter, e-Patient advocate and founder of Health Care Social Media South Africa (hcsmSA)

Vanessa Carter is an internationally recognized South African Facial Difference and MRSA (Antibiotic Resistance) e-Patient speaker. She is also the founder of hcsmSA which is an acronym for Health Care Social Media South Africa. There are currently over 30 hcsm virtual geographic communities registered on The South African community (hcsmSA) meet virtually on a monthly basis using a Twitter chat to discuss various topics pertaining to sustainable health development. Vanessa is a Stanford University Medicine X e-Patient Scholar, a Social Media Ambassador for HIMSS17 (Health Informatics and Management Systems Society), a member of the Public Health Association of South Africa (PHASA), a speaker at the South Africa Antibiotic Stewardship Program (SAASP) and the South African Society of Clinical Pharmacy (SASOCP). She has also been an advisory board member and speaker for Doctors 2.0 and You, an adjudicator and speaker for EyeforPharma, advisor for Docola, board member for InfectionControl.Tips and a member of The Walking Gallery of Healthcare. She is a citizen partner of the Women Advancement Forum in Africa to promote gender equality in sustainable health development and won a WOS - Woman of the Year award for her e-Patient activism in 2015. She provides healthcare providers with consulting services for hcsm as well as training development and workshops.
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