April 30, 2024
How virtual nursing can guide patients and nurses into the next era of healthcare
Since 2020, the workplace hasn’t been the same. But while many other industries have returned with remote or hybrid jobs, health systems continue to need staff in-person and in full force. This can contribute to staffing shortages, minimal workforce retention, burnout, and documentation overload.

February 6, 2024
San Luis Valley Health elevates patient access with MEDITECH’s Expanse EHR
Spanning six different counties across southern Colorado and part of northern New Mexico, the San Luis Valley is known as the world’s largest alpine valley. With unpredictable weather given the time of year and a unique set of geographical features that can restrict transportation, San Luis Valley ...

December 21, 2023
Increasing EHR usability and improving patient safety
Despite the wide adoption and optimization of EHRs across the continuum of care, some healthcare leaders view EHR usability as a pain point. This is proven by a recent JAMA Study (Journal of the American Medical Association) that found a positive association between frontline user–rated EHR ...

January 17, 2023
Engaging your patient population through care programs
All patients deserve to feel empowered when making their healthcare decisions. By offering tools and programs that promote patient engagement, organizations can lay the foundation for long-lasting partnerships and a healthier patient population. At Carteret Health Care, we aim to deliver a ...

October 25, 2022
How leading healthcare organizations are filling the gaps in health literacy
Promoting health literacy across communities and populations is a goal shared by all of us in healthcare. Health literacy protects against disease, prevents avoidable health complications, and promotes a higher quality of personal healthcare. Proactive steps to increase a patient’s understanding of ...

June 21, 2022
How to reduce prescription abandonment and improve medication adherence
Cost is a major determining factor for patients when they are deciding whether or not to pick up their prescriptions from the pharmacy. When medications are too expensive, patients may abandon them, regardless of how important they are to their health.

May 26, 2022
5 easy ways to improve HCAHPS scores through patient satisfaction
Hospital patient experience surveys, such as the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS), measure the quality of care given by a hospital, which influences patient satisfaction and retention. Patient experience scores directly correlate to profitability, ...

April 26, 2022
3 blogs on how to improve patient engagement
At the center of every healthcare interaction — visiting an ambulatory clinic, having a procedure done at a surgical center, being admitted for an acute hospital stay, rehabbing with your home health care team, etc. — is the patient.

March 17, 2022
Adapting to the new realities of physician practices
The face of healthcare continues to change, increasing the need for technology to adapt to new realities of where and how physicians are employed. Whatever the structure of the practice, MEDITECH recognizes that there are several common priorities in the current healthcare environment, and ...

January 25, 2022
Make “Delighting the Patient” a differentiator for your organization
When you’re a small fish in a big pond, you need to do something to stand out from the crowd and be noticed. The same holds true for when you are a relatively small healthcare organization surrounded by giants. You need a differentiator — something that you can give patients that others cannot. ...