July 9, 2024
Digital health equity: Harnessing design systems to advance EHR accessibility
For many, the pandemic shed light on issues related to web accessibility. Ninety percent of US adults said the internet was “essential” during the pandemic yet many people with disabilities were at a disadvantage; unable to schedule vaccines, communicate with their providers, and schedule ...

May 26, 2022
5 easy ways to improve HCAHPS scores through patient satisfaction
Hospital patient experience surveys, such as the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS), measure the quality of care given by a hospital, which influences patient satisfaction and retention. Patient experience scores directly correlate to profitability, ...

January 14, 2021
Preparing for the new Cures Act patient access deadline
Amid the move toward remote appointments and consultations due to COVID-19, the need for patients to have timely access to their health records remains a necessity.

October 15, 2020
How to prepare for Appropriate Use Criteria beyond your technical setup
CMS recently announced that they’ve extended the Educational and Operations testing period for hospitals and providers to comply with the Appropriate Use Criteria (AUC) program without payment consequences.

September 22, 2020
At the corner of 21st and TEFCA: Preparing for new interoperability rules
As consumers continue to take charge of their own care and healthcare organizations adapt to this new market reality, the tools and processes that ensure quick, accurate sharing of patient information will come into sharper focus in 2021.

May 12, 2020
Staying up-to-date on clinical terminology during COVID-19
A version of this post originally appeared on the IMO website. The ability to easily document possible exposure to, infection with, or any other clinical symptoms of COVID-19 is crucial to mitigating the impact of the pandemic. However, the lack of standardized coding to capture this information at ...

May 7, 2020
Navigating pandemic relief options
COVID-19 has hit the healthcare industry so hard that many hospitals have been forced to furlough staff, or worse, close their doors. Relief payments from the CARES Act are a lifeline for organizations under enormous economic strain; though the healthcare portions of the legislation are only a few ...

April 14, 2020
Rural health models in the age of COVID-19
While the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid expansion ensured health insurance for many U.S. citizens, rural areas still suffer from a unique set of healthcare challenges such as economic burdens, high rates of chronic illness, and insufficient access to providers. These issues have only intensified ...

February 25, 2020
How Ontario’s hospital partnerships are leading Canada’s public healthcare system transformation
A little over a year ago, Ontario’s Deputy Premier and Minister of Health and Long-Term Care Christine Elliott announced the provincial government’s plan to revitalize the public healthcare system. The plan centers around creating a more integrated and sustainable system that focuses on patients’ ...

February 6, 2020
How Annual Wellness Visits improve patient outcomes and organizational revenue
Even with recent increases in the percentage of Medicare recipients who have Annual Wellness Visits (AWVs), less than 20 percent of eligible patients availed themselves of this new benefit provided under the Affordable Care Act, according to a JAMA study. At Frisbie Memorial Hospital, we saw this ...