March 17, 2022
Adapting to the new realities of physician practices
The face of healthcare continues to change, increasing the need for technology to adapt to new realities of where and how physicians are employed. Whatever the structure of the practice, MEDITECH recognizes that there are several common priorities in the current healthcare environment, and ...

May 7, 2020
Navigating pandemic relief options
COVID-19 has hit the healthcare industry so hard that many hospitals have been forced to furlough staff, or worse, close their doors. Relief payments from the CARES Act are a lifeline for organizations under enormous economic strain; though the healthcare portions of the legislation are only a few ...

March 19, 2019
How EHRs can give physicians their “pajama time” back [Infographic]
It’s no secret that one of the biggest challenges for doctors in healthcare today is physician burnout. An often cited NEJM study found that physicians routinely take 1–2 hours of EHR/paperwork home each night, an activity commonly referred to as “pajama time”. But what can be done? With properly ...

January 31, 2018
How MEDITECH fulfills the AMA’s 8 EHR Usability Principles
A hot topic of conversation in the last few months has been the Annals of Family Medicine study observing that primary care physicians spend an average of 86 minutes of “pajama time” each night catching up on work from the day. This study was co-written by researchers from the AMA, which brought to ...

November 14, 2017
What you need to know about the MACRA final ruling
On Halloween, as I was waiting for MACRA's Quality Payment Program (QPP) Year 2 ruling to be finalized, I was pondering tricks and treats. Would practices find a full sized candy bar when the door opened or a toothbrush? As trick-or-treaters often find, the ruling was a little of both. For me, the ...

August 22, 2017
Your guide to the MACRA 2018 proposed ruling
For most people, summertime means backyard barbecues, ball games, and vacations. But for those of us in health IT, it also means reviewing the proposed 2018 Quality Payment Program Year 2 changes under MACRA. The proposed ruling was released on June 20th, and coming in at 1,058 pages it makes for a ...