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Charlotte Jackson, Group CEO, MEDITECH International

Charlotte Jackson joined MEDITECH Holdings as the Group Marketing and Strategy Executive in 2011, playing a key role in MEDITECH’s growth over the past decade in the International markets. Prior to joining MEDITECH, she earned her degree in Marketing (Cum Laude) and worked for 18 years in the research industry. In 2017 she was appointed Chief Executive Officer of MEDITECH International and unanimously voted onto the Board of Directors, further carrying her passion for improving the lives of people around the world through the use of healthcare information technology. Under her leadership and continuing to work alongside the founder and chairman, Mr. John Tresling, MEDITECH International has continued to grow across the globe outside of North America and Canada. Ms. Jackson possesses a proven ability to understand global healthcare environments and recognises the importance of including the healthcare provider’s perspective in implementing interoperable healthcare delivery systems.

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