August 10, 2021
How NMC Health leverages data with BCA dashboards [Infographic]
Managing big data is critical to the health of your organization and your patients. But these initiatives can be a drain on time and resources. Dashboards in MEDITECH’s Business and Clinical Analytics (BCA) Solution provide NMC Health (Newton Medical Center) with a single source of truth for ...

July 14, 2020
3 organizations using Business and Clinical Analytics to increase efficiency and improve patient safety
Managing big data is essential to organizational efficiency and patient safety, especially in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Fully integrated with MEDITECH’s EHR, Business and Clinical Analytics (BCA) provides clinicians and decision makers with a single source of truth for critical ...

February 12, 2019
MACRA’s 6 resolutions for improving patient care in 2019
January is traditionally an opportunity to set goals for the year ahead, and while there’s no shortage of advice on how to maintain New Year’s resolutions, 80 percent of people break their resolutions after an average of six weeks. If you’re like me and starting to feel the waning motivation that ...

November 29, 2018
A New Twist on ‘An Apple a Day’: Reflections from Becker’s Revenue Cycle Conference
At a time when financial pressures could lead to more hospital closures, it’s no surprise that the Becker's Hospital Review 4th Annual Health IT + Revenue Cycle Conference drew a full audience, to explore how our industry is responding to the growing demands of the patient as consumer.

August 28, 2018
What the proposed 2019 MACRA changes mean for you
Developing standards for healthcare is nothing new — in fact, you could say the concept of identifying quality measures started in the early 17th century, when a Hungarian Doctor, Ignaz Semmelweis, championed handwashing in his clinic.