How the MEDITECH mobile app transformed home care for Kalispell Regional [Video]

November 14, 2018 |  Home Care, Video, Care Coordination

Delivering effective care to homebound patients carries a number of challenges — from scheduling aides to providing up-to-date care instructions to transmitting information back to the doctor’s office or hospital.

In facing these challenges, Kalispell Regional Healthcare (KRH), a network of three hospitals, 32 clinics, and 20 affiliated outreach clinics in northwestern Montana, weighed the benefits of a new system with the potential costs.

Ultimately, Home Options, our Homecare department at KRH, implemented the MEDITECH Home Care mobile app, a sleek, modern, easy-to-use interface that allows aides to accomplish their work and update patient care plans quicker than ever before. Instead of waiting days to get the aides’ reports, doctors and nurses can see the information immediately — and respond quickly when their help is needed.

The Home Options investment in technology cost far less than it would have for larger devices, since the app works on smartphones and requires no sync time — once it’s loaded on the phone, our aides can use it immediately.

Another important feature to us about the app is that it’s also HIPAA compliant, ensuring that medical information stays secure, and provides IT and administrative staff with a number of safeguards that protect patient data.

Thanks to the MEDITECH Home Care mobile app, Kalispell is improving efficiency for our providers and delivering better care for our patients.

Check out the recap of MEDITECH's 2018 Nurse and Home Care Forum.

Read Our Nurse & Home Care Forum Overview

Written by Barbara Hinkley, RN, MHA, Kalispell Regional Healthcare, Director, Home Options

Barbara Hinkley began her home health and hospice career in 1998 at Methodist Hospital and University Hospital. She has served at Kalispell in several senior leadership roles in home health and hospice and in various palliative programs since 2003. In addition, she has taught classes for the University of Phoenix at Jacksonville and Orlando. Barbara completed her ASN in 1995, a BS in Healthcare and Human Resources in 1998, and a Master’s Degree in Health Administration from Central Michigan University/Naval Air Station in 2000.