Take the journey to Expanse with these MEDITECH customers [Videos]

April 25, 2019 |  EHR, CIO, C-level, Health IT

Moving to a new EHR platform can seem like a daunting task, with the clinical and technological changes that it requires.

In these videos, MEDITECH customer executives discuss how their hospitals successfully navigated the journey to Expanse, and the difference it’s made in how they practice medicine.

Denni McColm, CIO of Citizen’s, talks about how the organization had been considering a merger prior to signing for Expanse, and how the sustainable costs, agility, and scalability allowed Citizen’s to move forward with their Expanse implementation and remain independent.

Expanse’s integration across disciplines, physician input in the design of the solution, and intuitive layout have already yielded impressive results, explains Joe Farr, Clinical Applications Coordinator at King’s Daughters.  

Swedish Covenant CMIO Bruce McNulty points out how Expanse delivers efficiency for providers through tools like saving most frequent orders at the top of the page, and speaks about the 20-plus-year partnership with MEDITECH.

Read our innovators booklet and see how MEDITECH customers are leading the future of health IT.

View The Innovators Booklet Online

Written by Christine Parent, Associate Vice President, MEDITECH

Christine Parent’s well-rounded and smart approach to problem solving has long guided MEDITECH toward stronger relationships across the care continuum. Today, she brings her rich EHR knowledge to the role of associate vice president of marketing--spreading the word on how MEDITECH empowers healthcare organizations, through our company branding, online presence, public relations, and customer events, as well as developing and executing MEDITECH’s “go-to-market” strategy.