How MEDITECH and Google deliver frustration-free access to the cloud

March 23, 2021 |  EHR, CIO, cloud computing

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With an ongoing pandemic and heightened cybersecurity threats stretching healthcare to its limits, there may be no better time to embrace the potential that cloud-based EHRs can offer. 

As I’ve written before, MEDITECH has been incorporating Google Cloud Platform into our solutions and corporate operations for some time, effectively changing the concept of the traditional EHR, starting with initial implementation through continued development of new apps and solutions. 

This successful collaboration with GCP has also inspired us to offer our customers the same benefits in agility, affordability, and security that MEDITECH has realized by building cloud-native solutions that can fit any organization.

I recently had the opportunity to speak about MEDITECH’s cloud journey with Carter Morgan and Jenny Brown, co-hosts of Google’s How I Launched This: A SaaS Story podcast.

This was a great chance to explain how MEDITECH views the cloud as a flexible component within the health IT environment, allowing our customers to do the things they want to do and dream of the things they never could before, while relieving them of the expense and time commitment of managing on-premise data storage.

Cloud really is the future of healthcare, and I’m excited to see how it will fuel the next great innovations in the industry.

Be sure to check out the Google Cloud podcast here.

Learn more about how MEDITECH leverages Google Cloud Platform to offer flexibilty and affordability to organizations of all sizes.

Download Our Cloud eBook (No sign up required)

Written by Scott Radner, Vice President of Advanced Technology, MEDITECH

Scott Radner is Vice President of MEDITECH's Advance Technology Division, responsible for developing and implementing the latest digital solutions for the company and its customers. Scott has been with MEDITECH for 31 years.